Salvation Peru

Salvation Peru - San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, Peru May 2023

Decisions for Christ

Our team of evangelists saw a total of 9,943 documented decisions for Christ during our 2023 campaign.

  • 510 on the street/in churches

  • 3,347 during the 5 nights of the campaign

  • 6,086 were youth and the next generation


Our team saw well over 300 healings in the streets of San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, Peru and those healings multiplied in the campaign. We were unable to keep a real count of all those healed. But below you will see that:

  • The lame walked! You can tell one gentleman had been in his wheelchair for a long time and he walked all the way across our field and up onto the platform to testify of Jesus healing him! Another man who had a walker due to fluid in his knees testified he felt all the fluid leave his knees and Jesus heal him! You can see him lifting his walker in the air! Praise Jesus!

  • We had many people set free of depression/anxiety one was a woman who was a mother to 2 kids. Imagine how their lives are changed.

  • A woman with facial paralysis and pain down her leg to her ankle was healed and she gave her life to Christ that night! Also, her daughter was set free of mental torment - she told me she hadn’t had peace in her mind in years.

  • We also saw the blind see, the mute speak, stomach problems healed, a woman who was on sick in her bed for two weeks was brought and Jesus healed! We honestly have no way of knowing ALL He did, but we know, He moved powerfully!

Transformed Community

This district is known for sexual abuse and prostitution and we personally know many women who have been caught in this. Our team saw so many women in prostitution saved that some people were complaining about the money they were losing! During the campaign, these women came to the field! They were truly transformed by Jesus.

Also, we know specifically of two men who were involved in the promotion of prostitution that gave their lives to Christ. One man threw all his promotional material on the ground, said he wanted a new life, and took our team members to his house so his family could hear the gospel and be saved. That day an entire family made a decision for Christ. AND on the campaign nights, the other man came up to our team and said his life had not been the same since encountering them on the street. He is now connected to and attending a local church with his family.

Other than this, we encountered a man two days after the campaign who had lived in the area where the field was his whole life. He had tears in his eyes as he thanked us for coming to the area to share the gospel. He said, “I know the people on the field because they are my neighbors” and during the campaign, he hit his knees in thanksgiving to God as he watched some of the worst people in his neighborhood surrender their lives to Jesus.

We also had the opportunity to speak with some pastors after the campaign who were very encouraged and awakened by what Jesus was doing in their district. The church has been left on fire! They were actually requesting us to continue more nights of the campaign as we were beginning our final night but now, we have passed the baton to them. They have been equipped, imparted to, and commissioned to further proclaim the gospel in their city.

What we do is no small thing. The power of the gospel is mightier than we know and we will continue to preach it wherever He leads us. Through what we have seen here, we know strongholds in this area have been broken and light has broken forth. That has only happened because the gospel was proclaimed. May we proclaim it in our neighborhoods as well and see what Jesus does in our neighbor’s lives!

Our Team

Nothing happens without a great team and the Lord sure did provide an amazing one for this campaign. To all who gave and prayed that includes you! Also, pictured below are some of our team members from the ground. I am so thankful for their lives! We are family!

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