Shine the Light

How We Started

The vision of Shine the Light Global was birthed during the Spring of 2021.

God spoke this statement to our founder, Felicia Brown:

“The problem in the world is not darkness, it is the absence of light.”

A few days later He spoke the name, Shine the Light ministries

and said this is what she was called to start and that this ministry would

Shine the Light of the gospel in the Darkest regions of the Earth.

After much prayer, God confirmed this word and said that the ministry would

Proclaim the gospel,
Equip the local church, and

Empower future evangelists.

This is where the vision and mission came from.

Since August 2021, Shine the Light Global has collaborated

with other ministries to see tens of thousands saved, has

equipped local churches in evangelism and helped train new
evangelists and will continue to do this year after year.

Our Vision

Shining the light of the gospel

to the darkest regions on earth.

Our Mission

Proclaim the Gospel to individuals and masses

Mark 16:15

​Equip the body of Christ for the work of Evangelism

Ephesians 4:11-13

​Help raise the next generation of evangelists

2 Timothy 2:1-2

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​Mailing Address:

Shine the Light Global

​2659 McGuire Drive

Kennesaw, Ga 30144


© COPYRIGHT 2025. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | Shine the Light