Ukraine 2024

We partnered with Joshua House Life Centers, which is a ministry that has been in Ukraine for the last 30 years. They have adopted and raised 50 kids and ministered heavily to youth. Now, they are also operating as a safe house for people who are fleeing the eastern part of Ukraine due to the war. So far they have helped a total of 484 people. Each stays an average of 56 days. Since they have served them 3 meals a day, they have served a total of 81,312 meals. This is just for the Internally Displaced People and doesn’t count the orphans they have adopted and are caring for.

We were able to minsiter to some of these people, also help with the administrative tasks of the ministry and serve at a youth camp in what the locals call, "The Land of Darkness" which God is shining His light in.

We saw salvations, baptisms, healings, including many healed from night terrors. Here is a recap video of our trip and a report of what God did during the youth camp.

70 local youth attended this camp and they were dropped off on a Monday and went home the follow Saturday.

Here is what God did:

  • Salvation - from Monday to Friday night, many youth gave their lives to Jesus or rededicated their life to Him. Even one of the volunteers serving in the camp asked for prayer to really live for Jesus despite what his friends would say.

  • Healings - over 10 kids were healed from some kind of sickness/injury. One boy who had been experiencing lots of pain in his thigh for a few days was instantly healed. The look of joy on his face when he felt no more pain was something we won’t be soon to forget. He said “I’m trying to feel pain and I just can’t.”

  • God’s Presence - God’s presence came strongly Friday night and several youth were crying in His presence, some laughing, some were gathering together in groups to pray, and even one of the camp cooks came up and said they have never been in a place and experienced what we were experiencing. They received prayer as well and were touched by God. Freedom- There were youth who have come from tough situations and they received freedom in their hearts and had joy restored to their lives.

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